Friday, November 18, 2016

Pokemon Go Gyms Best Defensive Pokemon And Movesets

In Pokemon Go, if you want to challenge a gym, you will need to beat all the Pokemon who defend the gym. When the XP reaches a certain amount, the gym will level up, and the HP will also increase. If want to defend the gym well, you will need powerful defensive Pokemon and make good use of the Pokemon's movesets. 
Dragonite: Steel wing/dragon pulse
Lapras: ice shard /ice beam. (Blizzard also can work really well on defense as many people dont know how to dodge it)
Snorlax: zen headbut body slam (body slam just comes out of nowhere making it far tougher to dodge than hyper beam or earthquake. Also forces attackers to carefully chose when to use charge moves) P.S. lick and body slam is also really good as body slam is the bread and butter of snorlax.
Slowbro: confusion/psychic: psychic moves do well on slowbro because of stab as well as the fact that attackers will likely either attack with a grass type to counter the water typing of slowbro but most good grass types have poison duel typing thus the psychic moves cover its main critical weakness. Also makes it a pain for people using vaporeon (another common attacker) as vaporeon will be not very effective vs slowbro however due to duel psychic moves slowbro will still deal normal damage to vaporeon
Pollywrath; bubble/ice punch. Most lists say submission but i find dealing with pollywraths with ice punch more annoying as it prevents me from effectively using a grass attacker as ice punch covers the weakness to grass. It aslo covers the fighting type weakness to flying as ice punch will be super effective to flying types as well as grass types meaning people cant effectively use: pidgeott, charizard, dragonite and even exeggutor as ice will be super effective vs all of those (except for charizard it will deal normal damage vs it but bubble will destroy charizard so dont worry). Effectively this makes the only efficient counter to pollywrath slowbro with psychic moves.
Vapereon: water gun/aqua tail. Water pulse is decent but i find aqua tail is more punishing for misdodges and gives you very little time to dodge.
Gyrados: this is a tough one but i would say twister is more annoying to deal with than dragon pulse. Twister just gets spammed non stop which makes it tough to dodge safely while using charge moves.
Exeggutor: confusion/psychic
Arcanine: fire fang/flamethrower (on that note dont use arcanine for defense, its reeeealllly bad)
Venesaur: razor leaf/sludge wave most attackers will attack venesaur with arcanine, dragonite or an ice type like lapras. The poison charge move just helps a bit more over petal blizzard as it will ensure normal damage is at least dealt back rather than being not very effective. Also helps against people attacking with exeggutor as the poison move will be super effective vs the grass type
Among the abovementioned Pokemon, Dragonite, Lapras and Snorlax are relatively rare in the game. If you need these powerful rare Pokemon, you can Buy Rare Pokemon on We provide IV 90% Dragonite, IV 95% Lapras, IV 98%-100% Snorlax and other cool rare Pokemon.

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